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0186 Oslo


Elias Bakken

Elias Bakken

Redeem new features preview

Redeem, the Replicape Daemon, is the “firmware” that accepts g-codes and makes the 3D-printer move. What is special about this firmware is that it is mostly written in a high level language. Python is not the fastest language around, but…

Manga Screen second batch

It’s still summertime and the weather is high, but in the deep valleys of Shenzhen, three companies are hard at work and getting ready for the second batch of Manga Screens! Almost all the backers from the Kickstarter campaign have…


With the new revision of Replicape, I had to do some voodoo with the electronics in order to reach the new target price. Perhaps the most important change was the removal of the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) that was…